God Is Good

Lately I have been learning a lot about trusting that the Lord knows what is best for me and for my family. Our church is going through some changes which have not been easy on me, and on Sunday we had a guest speaker. To attest to the power of music, I remember little of what was preached that day, but I will never forget the song that was sung. It was entitled "Bow the Knee," but there is another song with that title that many of you know, and it was not that one. This one was by Tom Fetke (for your benefit, brother Joey). Anyways, the speaker's wife sang it, and it really touched my heart. The basic idea of the song was that sometimes we see our path clearly marked out for us, and during those times it is easy to trust the Lord, but other times all we can see is the next step to take, not all the way down the path. During those times, all we can do is pray and trust. It was such a moving song, and there was hardly a dry eye in the place.

Forgive me if I do not update frequently in the next few weeks. I am bogged down in my curriculum writing project, with my May 8 deadline fast approaching! I am excited to have had the opportunity to work on this project, and am thankful for the notation on my resume as well as the income it brought. I am praying that through the summer I will have steady work as I have since last July. It will truly be a step of faith to not have my income from school. Not only am I bogged down with curriculum, but I am also in the midst of one of the busiest times in a teacher's life. April and May are what cause us to earn our three month summer break! LOL!

I am looking foward to a visit from my parents and my brother at the end of the month as well. It is always a blessing to have family around. I will post some pics when they are here of Natalie with her youngest uncle!


Heather said…
Hey there...

I am praying for you and Tim. We miss you guys and maybe we could get together soon!!!

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