This and That

Well, we are finally all healthy! The flu started in our home last Tuesday night. Apparently, Natalie was sick during the night, but never woke up. That was a mess! I was sure grateful that my parents were here so she could stay home while I went to school. Then I came down with it last Friday. Again, it was a huge blessing to have my family here to take care of Natalie. Then my dad came down with it, and finally today my hubby got it! But we are out of the woods, and I survived my daughter's first flu!

School is crazy busy, but I am thankful that the kids are not nearly as squirly as they usually are this time of the year. I am facing the decision about whether or not I want to return next year. I make enough money writing that I don't have to, but I know I will miss teaching so much, so it is not an easy decision.

So, for our biggest news - - Natalie took her first steps yesterday!!!! I was on the phone with a gal in our church who just had twins, and Natalie was holding onto the couch. She saw Cookie (our little beagle dog), and decided she wanted to go over there. She took three steps before she fell. Then later last night she kept taking small sections of steps and then falling and getting right back up! I was so excited!I am so ready for her to walk!!!!

We really enjoyed our visit with my family, in spite of health issues. Here is a picture of Natalie with her youngest uncle, Uncle Joey!


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