2 Months!

Wow, how time flies. It's already been two months with our precious C. I have told so many people that Miss C must know she is a third-born child, because she is the easiest baby ever. In fact, the few times she is fussy, I barely know what to do because it is so rare.

Both big sisters are completely enamored with her. Miss N (6) told me yesterday "I wish C could stay a baby forever. She's the cutest baby ever. I just love her so much." Miss M (almost 4) will repeatedly sing to her and coo at her and even at times overly love her to the point I have to separate them.

This precious babe is everything I could have ever wished for in a third and final child. She is so happy, laid back and beautiful. She smiles at everyone and everything, loves her sisters and daddy almroeady so much, and has a "go with the flow" kind of personality.

There is one strange thing that has been going on with her. Shortly after she was born I noticed this strange barking cough. I thought she had caught a cold her sisters had, but it hasn't gone a way. She recently did catch a cold and it got a little worse, but for her whole life she has been barking. It does not affect her breathing at all and her lungs are not congested according to the doctor. He thinks it is an immaturity or "floppiness" of her larynx. We just have to watch it I guess. I sure get some strange looks when I am out with my newborn and she starts barking!

Life with 3 is much easier than I anticipated, but it is not without its challenges. I find that I am more emotional than I was with just two, but I blame that on hormones. I have less patience for the shenanigans of the older ones. I also find that I am enjoying C much more than I did either of my other babies. with N I was scared I was going to break her and dealing with postpartum depression. With M I had the needs of a toddler to balance on top of the needs of a new baby, not to mention a baby that rarely tolerated being cuddled. Because the girls are old enough to be a bit self sufficient now, I feel like I have more freedom to just enjoy my baby. That, and the fact that we know she is the last one, make it easy to just snuggle and love on her.

So here are my baby's pictures for one month and two months. Enjoy!
 one month
 Two months - smiling big for big sister!


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