Miss M is Four!
Four years (and one month) ago, God blessed us with this 10 lb. 4 oz bundle of energy.
Miss M, two years old
Miss M, three years old.
Miss M, four years old
On July 31, my middle child turned four. All of the
commotion of the end of summer, getting her birthday party in, and then school
starting and working like crazy have made me forget to do her birthday post.
So, without further ado, here is a bit about Miss M.
During her fourth year, she learned:
- Her letters and sounds
- How to whistle
- How to snap (these two are much to the displeasure of the bigger sister who cannot yet do them)
- How to face her fears of inflatable jumping houses and VBS
- Became a big sister, a roll she embraces with zeal
- Learned to pedal a bike
- Said a line in a school program, without tears!
Miss M is a go getter. She knows what she wants, and she
does not wait for permission or help to achieve it. She is full of spunk and
always knows the funny thing to say. She will do anything to make us laugh, and
definitely enjoys having a funny one-liner during a conversation.
She is a devoted sister, both to her big and her baby
sister. She will do just about anything Miss N wants, as long as she is not too
tired, and is more than willing, sometimes too willing, to help with the baby.
She plays hard and sometimes too rough, but is always there with an apology
when things get out of hand.
This child is a mover and a shaker. She has to be moving at
all times, and she knows it. She even told me recently “That good exercise took
my grumpy grumpies away.” She is very much aware of what she needs and wants,
but cannot always communicate it, a fact which frustrates her. Still, she is
She amazes me with her intelligence and observant nature.
Sometimes she will say things that surprise me, because I was totally unaware
she was paying attention. As her verbal skills develop, I am getting a closer
look at just how amazingly intelligent she is. She is also able to entertain
herself quite well. We spend many a morning while sister is at school quietly
enjoying each other’s company, her playing with her dolls and me working.
She is going to be quite the good little mommy, once she
outgrows her brute strength. She is always carting around a baby doll, hushing
it, rocking it and feeding it. She tucks them in, turns off the light, and then
requires us all to be quiet and leave the room alone while the baby sleeps. It
is definitely humbling to see my own mothering skills reflected in her play.
She is my most stubborn child, and while that presents some
parenting difficulties, it is also a character trait that could be beneficial.
She will stand up for what she believes in strongly when she is older.
Dear Miss M.
Wow, you are four! How fast these four years have gone. I
know you are excited about being four, and you have waited a long time for your
birthday. Almost seems fitting that your celebrations lasted an entire month!
You have surprised me this year with your sensitivity. When
we lost our Bailey dog, your heart was broken. I didn’t know you cared so much.
Even now, you will sometimes cry for her, and she has been gone for months.
You love fiercely and with much passion. You are dedicated
to your friends and siblings, and are very hurt when you feel left out. You
love to be touched and will wriggle close to me whenever you can, begging for a tickle, reaching for
my hand when we are walking.
My sweet girl, you are growing up. You are mommy’s little
helper, always willing to lend a hand, and often asking to help even when I
didn’t ask. I pray that I always embrace that help, so you will learn the joy
of serving others.
This year, I have gotten a glimpse of what you may look like
when you are older, and frankly, it took my breath away. You have always been a
beautiful baby, but now you are a beautiful little girl. All too soon you will
be a beautiful young lady.
This year, you faced some challenges. You had to learn to
let go of mommy and go out on your own a bit. It was hard, but you got through
it. You learned to love new settings and new experiences. You overcame some of
your biggest fears, while still holding onto some others. I have never been so
proud of you as I was when you walked proudly up on that stage and said your
line at your spring program, without tears, or when you went down the big big
slide at the indoor playground.
I love you, Miss M. I hope your fifth year is as wonderful
as your fourth has been!
I love you