This and That

We just enjoyed a visit from my friend Janna and her husband Jay who live in Guam. Here are some pics from that, as well as when Natalie was "helping" daddy hammer some shelves together.



The Harrisons said…
Hey Nicole,
Looks like you had fun with Janna and her hubby :) We live in Independence and actually go to the same church as Janna's mom. It's a small world! Your daughter is so precious - what a sweet family ;)
MommaHarms said…
I grew up in Blue Springs. Seriously, we will have to get together and take the kids to the zoo or something the next time I am there.
MommaHarms said…
Oh, and Yes, I knew you were going to Troy's church. Your father in law spoke at our church a few weeks back (we are between pastors), and he clued me in on your life and your sister in law being in my old home church/school.
The Harrisons said…
Cool - give me a buzz next time you are in town. It would be nice to meet your cutie little girl :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing pics of Janna and her hubby!!!

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