Potty Training Begins

So, I have made the decision - no more diapers for Natalie! We will still put on a diaper at night because she doesn't wake up to go, but during the day, panties, here we come! Yesterday we bribed her to stay dry at church and she did, then this morning she was watching TV and came to tell me she needs to go, so I know she's ready! Wish me luck!

She's getting funnier and funnier! The other day we went on a wagon ride with some friends at an apple orchard nearby. I told her we were going on a hayride, and she said, "I LOVE hayrides! Mommy, what's a hayride?" Too funny. She's also getting VERY observant and listens to everything we say - hard to talk about Christmas presents these days! Which reminds me - anyone have a great idea for a little girl for christmas. We don't have room for the Rose Petal Cottage, but that seems to be a popular choice. Any other ideas? I need to upgrade her toys - she is outgrowing many of them it seems.

Megan is doing well too - she loves to coo and she rolled over for the first time the other day. Hasn't done it since and was a little startled when she did it. She can also lift her head and chest off the floor - the I'm going to crawl someday pose. I will be getting her three-month pics taken soon if I can ever decide on an outfit for her to wear - her sizes are a little goofy!

Well, here are some pics from the apple farm if you aren't on facebook.

No, she's not choking - she's telling me she can't take another bit because something's in her "mouf"


laugavitz said…
Your kids are so cute! I just can't wait to do things like go to the apple orchard! Great job on the potty training Natalie!
bella1021 said…
Yeah for big girl undies!!!!

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