so Far, So Good

Well, potty training is going well after two days. So far she hasn't had one accident and tells me when she needs to go! We even took a little trip "out" yesterday and she did fine. I don't know what i was afraid of.

She's funny though - she gets a piece of candy if she goes #2 in the potty. That started when she was terrified to poo in the potty - on a side note to my mom readers who are ready to start potty training someday - candy is a bad idea because it's very hard to break that habit.

Anyways, sometimes she gets very upset when she can't poo because she wants the candy. yesterday she successfully went #2 in the potty and got up and turned around to look at her rear and said, 'Thank you very much bottom!" Very funny!

Megan is now entering 12 month clothing. I cannot believe it. For some reason it makes me sad that she is so big. She doesn't look like a little baby, but she's only 3 months old! She's very smiley though, especially in the morning. That's so fun!


bella1021 said…
YEAH!!! for the potty!!!

holy cats-- she's going into 12 month!!
Milk- it DOES a body good!! ;)

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