Home Sweet Home
We are home again, and for a while now. I love traveling and visiting family, but returning home is always a blessing. While we were in Kansas City I had the privilege of seeing my friend Janna. We have been friends since college and have known each other since upper elementary school. During my first couple of years at Maranatha, her and I were the only people from Tri-City who attended, so we really got to know one another on those 8+ hour drives back and forth to school. Janna has always been one of those friends whom I can honestly say fits into the "iron sharpening iron" category. When I am done with a conversation with her, I am always pointed back to Christ. We have one of those friendships where we can go years without seeing one another (which we do since she lives on Guam) and yet pick up where we left off without batting an eye. Those kind of friendships are not easy to come by, particularly for me. It was wonderful to see her and her beautiful baby girl Briella. Here is a picture of us and our babies. Briella is 3 1/2 months older than Megan.
We have our Natalie back finally too! We did have to take a quick trip to the ER while we were in KC. Natalie's poo started looking as though her stomach might be bleeding. We didn't find out what was causing it, but the doctor said it wasn't blood and she was not dehydrated, so we decided to wait until we got home to check it out further. In the meantime, she got better. I am very thankful for that! Here are a couple of pictures from the hospital. It's a children's hospital and very, very cool.