Things on My Mind

I have a friend from college and also Kansas City who is currently going through a trial that I cannot fathom living through. For a little background, the family took on a foster child at two days old. They sat with the baby through withdrawals and all sorts of things. The child is Megan's age, and just recently she had to be returned to her biological family. It is heartbreaking. I have spent hours in prayer for this family, and it has felt to me that God is not listening. Others have been in prayer for hours for this family, yet the circumstances have not changed. I have questioned God, even though it's not my family. Why would God not answer the prayers of hundreds upon hundreds of people?

I have not come to full conclusions yet, but I wanted to share this link.

Is it crazy that I have been learning through watching someone else's journey? This has caused me to have the desire to really study prayer. Can we realistically change God's mind? God has our plan mapped out, which would imply that he has already determined what will happen in this (and other) situations. So why do we pray? What is the ultimate purpose? These are questions I wish to seek the answer to. Even Jesus Christ himself prayed contrary to God's will in the Garden of Gethsemane ("Let this cup pass from me.") So is the purpose of prayer more for us, or for God, or to conform us to God?

If and when I have the time to study this out and draw some conclusions, I may share them here.


Janna said…
His sermon today was "I am God, and you are not."

Yes, I agree we are all learning through this.
The Harrisons said…
Yes it was a really good message! I really liked how he talked about questioning God. It's ok to question him because he always can answer. Job was really bold when he questioned God and God answered him and Job really got to see God! (Even if it was God putting him in his place :-)

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