The Breakup

I debated long and hard about blogging about this one, but then I decided, the main purpose of this blog is to record our little life, and to have a memory to look back on. This is definitely a memory that will be looked back on, even if things don’t pan out the way a five-year-old girl intends.

This past week was busy beyond belief and my kids were so tired. We did two Bible schools, one in the morning and one at night. Parenting mistake, I think, but they did have fun and Miss N seems to have learned quite a bit from both.

Miss N has a little boy that she goes to school with who also happens to go to our church. In addition to all of that, they both wear glasses, which to her is a big deal. Long ago she deemed “B” as her “boyfriend.” I recall one night when their junior church teacher heard, “If you don’t stop being mean I am NOT going to marry you!” and another time when she didn’t sit by him and he went home crushed and quite upset. She regularly will parrot anything I say about Tim and change it to “B.” For instance, yesterday she asked why me and Tim talk so much, and I said, “Because Daddy is my best friend!” and she turned around and said, “B is my best friend!”

Ah, young love.

Well, Monday of our busy week I was tucking Miss N into bed and she started crying.

“What’s the matter?”

“B said he isn’t my boyfriend anymore. He said he is Lilli’s boyfriend! (sob)”

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry.”

“Mr. Jooooossshhhh did it! He told B to be Lilli’s boyfriend. Why would he do that?” (Mr. Josh is Miss N’s teacher at church and loves to tease the kids. Sometimes she doesn’t quite get that he is teasing.)

“Well, I don’t know honey, he was probably teasing.”

“No, he wasn’t! B believed him!”

“But I do know this. If B is not the boyfriend God wants you to have, He has someone better for you. And I also know that if B is not your boyfriend, he will always be a good friend to you.”

(At this point the level of genuine tears and heartbreak was on par with a junior higher facing her first breakup. I was somewhat floored. I had no idea she was taking this “relationship” so seriously.)

“Mommy, I’m just so sad!”

“I know.”

“Mommy? Can I sleep with his picture?”

“If that will make you feel better, of course you can!”

A few minutes later I went in there to talk to her and see how she was doing and she was still really, really sad.

“Mommy? This picture is making me so sad. Can I sleep with a horsey picture?”

The next morning she was fine, so I didn’t bring it up.

This Sunday apparently they made up and the “relationship” has been restored.

But wow, I had no idea that emotions about a boy could be so strong at this age! Is this a prediction about the future for a mom of two girls? Jeepers! And I must admit, it was hard not to laugh! She was so sad but in many ways it was cracking me up!


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