29 weeks

Well, we are nearing the 3rd trimester. I think it is next week. The further along we go, the happier I am to still be pregnant and really fairly uncomplicatedly so. Here's the update for this week:

How far along? 29 weeks

Maternity clothes? Yep.

Sleep: not so good this week due to a reaction to all of the dust in the air from our NEW FLOORING!!!!!

Best moment this week: Taking my MIL and mom to the ultrasound. The tech was able to work with us to get some face shots even though baby is plastered up against my side. She is measuring in the 75th percentile at 3 lbs, 5 oz., which is ahead of target for her. The main concern with the high bp on the baby's end is her not growing, so she is growing well and that makes me happy.

Movement: Still very active. At my last OB appointment they couldn't get the heart rate because she was moving so much (I blame the drink from the glucose test. . .

Milestones: Not sure

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: Nope

What I miss: Not thinking about bp all the time.

What I am looking forward to: Finding out the results of my glucose test.

Weekly Wisdom: Even though I am not the best housekeeper, having my house up in shambles is something that makes me very cranky, even though it is a good cause. We did lots of getting out and about this weekend.

Complications Update: Everything still looks great.


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