31 weeks update

How far along? 31 weeks

Maternity clothes? Yep.

Sleep: Slept through the night two days in a row this week!!!

Best moment this week: Finding out that my doctor still thinks we will go to term, just with lots of extra monitoring.

Movement: Slowing down a little, but any time I get worried I can get her to move :)

Milestones: On my babycenter week-by-week email I got notice that she should be about 3.3 pounds this week. She was 3.5 at my ultrasound three weeks ago. We grow 'em big! We also have a NAME!

Gender: Girl

Labor Signs: Nope. A few Braxton Hicks but they are going away.

What I miss: My house not being a construction zone. Tim is working hard and doing a great job, but this flooring is taking longer than we thought it would!

What I am looking forward to: Finishing this pregnancy.

Weekly Wisdom: It's ok to relax sometimes. In fact, if you don't, your doctor may just prescribe it ;)

Complications Update: Ok, so, my 24-hour test came back with proteins. That means that my kidneys are not functioning properly. Now, there are two things that could cause this - the high blood pressure and my little adventure in dehydration land over the weekend (which landed my in the hospital). Regardless, this has caused me to be sent in for a consult with the high risk people again. She thinks maybe we need to adjust my medication, but every time they have increased it I have gotten really dizzy and feeling like I am going to faint. My doctor thinks that it is NOT pre-eclampsia and does not anticipate putting me in the hospital or on bed rest, she also thinks we will make it to 39 weeks and a full-term delivery. However, the kidney and blood pressure issue and even the pre-eclampsia do put me at higher risk for placenta failure or placenta previa, not to mention HELLP disease. So, because of that, I have to be monitored very closely.

This means twice a week visits to the doctor for two-hour appointments where they do a non-stress test, ultrasound, blood pressure check, and measure the baby. I am so blessed to have good friends. I have already had two offer to help with Miss M during this time so I can go on non-work days. The school also said I maybe could add her to the days she does not come, depending if they are full or not. I am not sure what we are going to do - need to make wise choices because Miss M still needs time with her mommy too. Also, with gas being $4 a gallon, I am not thinking that driving all over town (most of my church friends live in a different town) is a good use of my money, but putting her in school five days per week is not a good use of my time as a mommy.


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