Natalie Joy

Well, I decided a week of bad news was enough. Yes, I did miscarry (for anyone who didn't see the previous post), but we are still loving the beautiful girl we have! Here are her 18 month portraits (a little late). Sorry about the poor quality - they are scanned.

If I normally send you a pic and you have a preference, let me know!

Natalie had the stomach flu this week, which was not fun. She is so sweet even when she's sick. She was very cuddly! She got over it pretty quickly, but now she doesn't want to eat. Any experienced moms out there, I am really looking for advice! She is still eating baby food! (She only has two bottom teeth, though, so I have a hard time "forcing" her to eat real food.)

I got this cat costume for her to play with, and she wanted to wear it the other day. It was pretty cute! The costume is old, but a kid in a costume is just plain cute!

We went to the pumpkin patch today, but no luck getting a pumpkin picture! She's stil scared of them! Here are some pics from our trip.


Sarah said…
Poor Natalie, Jayce had the stomach flu on Friday and he now is borderline RSV on top of that. He is having a tough time kicking it but we are just letting him get back to normal slowly. Especially since he is still running a fever.
The Harrisons said…
Yup - Eóin had it to (I hope Jayce didn't get it from him!). I LOVE your new pics. They are soo cute! Keeping you in prayer :-)
Those pictures are way too cute! :) I love the "what's she thinking" one =) Her outfits are adorable!! So sorry to hear about the miscarriage...I'll be praying for you!

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