Memorial Day Weekend - Fun in KC

We had a great time visiting my family in KC this weekend. I am not into American Idol, but man was Blue Springs jumping with David Cook stuff! I guess the winner was from Blue Springs. Anyways, highlights of the week include the following:

Natalie saying "Jesus" for the first time. After church on Sunday she picked up my Bible and said, "Jesus, Bible," over and over. So sweet! I am hoping to start a class for her and other younger kids in our church soon, so hopefully she can begin learning. She's just not interested in Bible story books at home right now.

We went to Paradise Park, an indoor play area in Lee's Summit. It was kind of pricey, but a great way for a two-year-old to burn some energy when it was raining outside.

Natale loved grandpa's "super eggies." She eats eggs for breakfast every day, but my dad adds some potatoes and meat to them. She called them "super eggies" and had them for breakfast every day. She didn't like the potatoes, though, and would hand them to me and say, "no like it that bacon." She thought it was bacon for some reason! Too funny.

We were going to go to the zoo, but the weather was rainy each morning we were going to go. Instead, we went to the new Bass Pro Shop. She liked the real duckies in the pond. We also went to the mall play area, and she was so excited to ride the carousel. She is usually scared, so I was quite proud of her. Oh, and the first pic is to show you how huge I am at 30 weeks!

She was a very good girl and we had a great visit. I got very swollen there, which was scary since that's how my problems with Natalie started. I think it was the heat, though, because now that we are home I am back to normal. Just 10 weeks left. I am going to pack my hospital bag this weekend, I think, because I want to be prepared this time if anything goes wrong. Yes, I know it's early, but when you have a preemie, you can't help it! You other moms have any suggestions as to what to add to it?

Enjoy the pictures. There are more on Facebook if you want to see them.


Mommy Scroggie said…
I don't blame you for packing your bag early on this one. If I was having another I would be packing my bag at 10 weeks as well. I would also make sure all the clothes are washed and everything was set up. At this point I would only have three more weeks left, so you better believe I am going to pack early. They told me that if I had anymore it would pretty much be guaranteed that they would be preemie - even earlier than Jayce. Not sure why, they just seem to think I will never go full term - again all of this is an if I were to get pregnant again. :)
Mommy Scroggie said…
I also meant to say, good luck and praying for a healthy ending to your pregnancy as well as mostly full-term for ya!
Pamela H said…
Pack a gift to give Natalie when the new baby comes home.

I did this with Jason when Jennifer came home. He played with it and let everyone see the baby (Jennifer). This cuts down on the big green monster when the older child sees what she may percieve as more attention to the baby than her. This is normal, but the toy doesn't hurt ;).

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