Out of the Mouth of Babes

Tonight we were driving and Natalie was in a talking-a-mile-a-minute mode. She asked me, "Are we Christians?" I usually answer, "Mommy and Daddy are Christians because we asked Jesus to forgive our sins and be our saviour." Tonight I answered differently. I said, "Have you asked Jesus to forgive your sins and come into your heart?"

A few minutes later she said, "Mom, I want to pray to God." I said, "You can pray to God any time you want." Here is what she prayed,

"Dear Jesus, thank you so much for our doggies, and families, and the snow, and mommies, and daddies, and sisters. I love you so much Jesus. Forgive me of my sins. Thank you for the good day. Amen."

Of course, we were smiling ear to ear, but we try not to get too excited outwardly because we do not want her praying for show. We want her praying because her heart wants to. A few minutes later she said, "Mommy, I think I want to pray again. I have so much to say thank you for!" Her prayer was basically the same, without the "Forgive me of my sins." Then she asked, "mommy, are patch the pirate songs praise to God?" I answered that they were, and she said, "It's important to sing praise to God, but mom, how is God God and Jesus is God?"

I do not believe my daughter is at the point of understanding sin and God's redemptive work, but I do believe the seeds are being sown. Lord, give me wisdom! Regardless, this was the sweetest thing I have heard in a long, long time. I love this child so much!


Janna said…
Wow! what a blessing to hear her already wanting to know more about God and talk to Him.

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