No More Complaining (Otherwise Titled Top Ten Reasons I'm Thankful I'm a WAHM)

I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to be melancholy and dwell on the negative. While I love my children dearly, I find that their personality traits that rub me the wrong way get my focus often. I was inspired by this post from my friend Michelle that my complaining spirit is something they see and learn from. Also, others who may not have it as good as I do may look at me and wonder why they would want to stay home, be moms, be Christians, etc. So, on that note, I decided to focus on the positives.

One of my biggest blessings and challenges is being a work-from-home-mom. My job as a freelance writer lets me stay home with the kids, which I wouldn’t financially be able to do otherwise, but working from home is far more challenging than I ever thought it would be. The housework is always pressing while the paying work is also always there. I never leave my “office” and it is hard to turn off “work mode.” I am glued to the computer not just for entertainment, but also for income generating opportunities. So, because it is one of my biggest challenges, I decided to write the Top Ten Reasons I am Thankful to Be a WAHM. (This is by no means intended to be an in-your-face to others who have a different situation, but rather a way for me to focus on my blessings.)

1. When my children are hurt or sick, I can be here for them. I’m the one they run to when they scrape their knees.

2. I have the unique opportunity to teach them about time management (although I am not doing so hot with that at the moment.)

3. Working gives me something that requires slightly more intellectual work to do during the day.

4. Working allows me to contribute to the family’s income, which makes me feel more confident about our financial situation and stability.

5. We can go to playdates, visit the museum, go to the park and even head to Madison or the Chicago suburbs for a morning if we want.

6. I can attend lady’s Bible study.

7. We save money because I don’t have to buy a working wardrobe.

8. I can really delve into my children’s personalities and learn more about who God created them to be.

9. I can take doctor’s appointments the same day if needed without worrying about my boss or work schedule.

10. When Natalie has a question about God, I can be the one to answer it.

I am sure there are more blessings to being a WAHM, but these are the ones on my mind today. Regardless of your situation, whether you stay home and don’t work, work from home, or work outside of the home, I want to challenge you to think about the positives. We all can find plenty to complain about, but we have so many blessings too!


Michelle said…
This is a good list. I like number eight-- I don't always understand my children, and I don't always see the benefit of TIME with them as an opportunity to learn. I'm too quick to give up. Thanks!
mohoelx said…
Being a WAHD I understand the challenges about never leaving the office. But for me, I have more structure since I do work directly with others, so it helps to keep the clock better, but thanks for the reminder to look at the blessings, and not focus on the challenges.
bella1021 said…
I have too been having a hard time.. so has Nick.. I keep telling myself how lucky we are that we have good paying jobs to go to and a healthy son-- but it is very hard at times when you are sleep deprived and have lost your "me" time.
Janna said…
Ah this is such a great list and filled with so much love!

We took family pics this week at a garden

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