Parenting with Scripture

I often struggle with comparing myself to other mothers. I'm often disappointed in myself when I read other mom's blogs or talk to other moms who say, "My child was struggling with such and such, and instantly this scripture popped into my mind and we were able to have a heart to heart discussion about it and apply it to the situation."

Obviously, this will change as my children get older, since mine are still quite young, but I do want to be speaking scripture to them when we go throughout our day. But, to my shame, it's not always on my mind.

I've been praying for more opportunities and wisdom with my girls. God answers prayer. Today, my eldest was having an attitude issue. I was reflecting on my response to her attitude, and I realized I was probably making it worse with my lack of patience. Then, as we were driving to our appointment, this verse popped into my mind:

Pslam 19:14, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, Oh Lord."

We had already talked about how God hates griping and complaining, but it wasn't getting anywhere with her. She was having a very rough time of it. So I brought up this verse, quoted it to her a few times, and we talked about what it meant. I even sang the little song I've learned using the verse to her. I focused on helping her see that her complaining words came from focusing on negative things in her mind and heart. I tried to remind her of all of the good things she had to be thankful for, hoping that would spark some positive thoughts in her mind. It's a process Mommy needs to work on too.

I can't say that it was an instant change or anything like that, but I was pleased to see God answer my prayer to bring scriptures to my mind. I'm learning with my eldest that she doesn't say much the first time someone talks to her about something spiritual, but sometime in the future it will come up again. She's thinking about it, even if it does not appear so.


Gretchen said…
Have you heard of Ginger Plowman? She has this little chart called "Wise Words for Moms" that has Scripture that applies to different discipline situations. It's to help moms out when they are in situations when they can't think of a verse to use. It's only $4. Her book "Don't Make Me Count to Three" is good, too.

Thanks for this post!
Michelle said…
Praise the Lord! He gives us the wisdom we ask and seek for! Keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking!

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