I knew something was wrong. It started the day before, when a friend mentioned needing to “clear her head” on facebook. But she also shared something later that was family related, so I brushed it off. Then Sunday morning when the pastor’s wife posted “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.” Something is wrong my gut said. We went to church. “Open to Romans 12.” Then he went into what he felt his duties as a pastor are and how he has fulfilled them to the best of our ability. No!!!! my gut screamed Then he asked, “Are you willing to trust God even if it is hard, and even if it is scary?” No, not this, not now . Before he said it, I knew. Before he said it, the tears were falling. Our pastor is headed to the mission field. It is the right thing for them. I know this. I have seen it first hand in his love for missions. It is the right thing for our church too. In my heart I know this. But you see, I’m not ready. I am so not ready. Ready for what? ...