A Picture Is Worth . . .

I want my girls to grow up to be best friends. When we found out Miss M was a girl, the part of me that longs for a son was a bit disappointed (you know, the whole family business needs an heir and all), but another part of me rejoiced. With just over two years difference in age, there is no reason they could not be great friends. Never having a sister, I've always envied friends who had one and had that close relationship. I know not all sisters do, so I am praying for wisdom on how to cultivate that relationship regularly.

Today started out with a lot of selfish, unfriendly behavior on the part of both children. Being snowed in with the great Blizzard of 2011 meant no distractions. They HAD to learn to play nice.

And you know what, by the end of the day they had. And this picture says it all:

Natalie waited all day to draw this picture for her sister. You can see the labels - one is Natalie (obviously) and the other is Miss M. We have yet to master the letter "G," Thus Miss M's name is not written.

I love how they are holding hands. I love how Miss N purposefully put smiles on them (she told me so). I love how Miss M graciously accepted the gift with a "Thank You Na Na" and seemed to appreciate it - she did not cut it or draw on it.

I wanted to photograph it, because likely it will end up under a bed or in the trash at some point. But I will always remember that on this snow day, my girls are starting to become best of friends.

I am linking up to a new project called Project 52, which inspires moms to share real life stories and pictures from everyday mothering. Here is the link for other mommy bloggers who want to play along!

Project 52: Glimpse Into Motherhood

Seems like a fun project, and I think i will try to do it each week.


That's too sweet! Don't you love moments like that? I also love that my girls are so close in age. It's like having a built-in best friend. :)

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