Happy Birthday Natalie!!!!

Here are some pictures from Natalie's Birthday Party on the 23rd. We just ended up having a party with family, but it was great fun getting together with both my family and Tim's for the first time since our wedding (almost four years ago).

"What's all the fuss about?"

"I'm not so sure about this cake stuff!"

"Me and my favorite cousin, Danelle"

"Me and my grandma Harms and my great-grandma Harms"


Heather said…
So sorry we wern't able to come to her party!! I was disappointed when I saw the date was when I would be at camp joy.

She is getting so big!!! Can't wait to get together with you guys!
MommaHarms said…
No worries! We weren't offended. Although when the neighbors pulled up with their music blaring, Tim said "Kevin must be here! LOL!

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