Her First Barbie Dolls (And Why I Love Garage Sales!)

I struck gold today! I was on my way to Wal-Mart when I swung by a garage sale. The girl at the sale had some toys, and Natalie picked out a couple from the 10 cent box. Then we found a box of Barbies. Now, I do feel Natalie is a little young for Barbies, but she latched on to a couple of them, and would not let go. The girl (about seven years old) only wanted 50 cents for them, so I bought them. My daughter hasn't let them out of her site! Yes, I know she will ruin them, but hey, the smile on her face was well worth the Dollar. I have tried to get some pictures of them. She wasn't coropperating well.

On another note, I have joined FaceBook. I like it! Tim has an account to. I have enjoyed catching up with friends from High School and College. I even found my old math and English teachers (they are married to each other.) So, if you are on FaceBook, look me up! What I like most about it is being able to see my friends' blogs! That's a quick, easy way to stay up-to-date on everyone's new families. I found out one of my close friends has a baby, and another one just got married this summer! Congrats Edy G and Andy W!

Then I went home, and the lady at the end of the street had a little kitchen, with ALL the food and dishes, etc, for $20! I have been wanting to get her a little kitchen, and now she has one! She loves opening and closing the doors. Enjoy the pics!

Notice the Barbies in her arms.

It's really hard to get a decent picture of a toddler.


Heather said…
I love the pictures! I am on facebook too.
The Harrisons said…
So cute - the videos are really sweet :)
Congrats on your baby girl! I know it's kinda late...:) She is so cute! When was she born? I love the video of her laughing with daddy and playing in the pool. I should show that to my boy. I've tried to get him to sit in his baby pool like that, but he won't...he constantly has to be running!

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