Urgent Prayer Request

Hello readers (if I have any left after not posting for 3 weeks)

I am posting a letter below from some missionaries our church supports. Please pray for their daughter Dani. She was hospitalized a few weeks ago for double pneumonia, and in that time picked up a very serious infection. Anyone who knows about MRSA knows how serious this is. Please bring Dani before the Lord. Read below for more details. This gal worked with me and my husband in the children's program our church used to have. She is a sweet young woman. The letter below is from her parents.

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

I need to write once again to give an update and request further prayer for Dani McLain. Dani has returned to the hospital once again and, by the time you get this email, will have already had another surgery on the other leg. Please note the details below.

Dani found two small sores (hair follicles) on her left leg. They had become infected and started swelling much like the mosquito bites she had two weeks ago. Within 24 hours the two sores started swelling up and hard knots forming deep under her skin. We noticed her going through the same symptoms she had on the other leg. She was diagnosed with MRSA (“superbug” infection) from the hospital and we were asked to get to an A&E clinic yesterday for it to be seen. She was prescribed another antibiotic, but it has had no effect. Her infection was spreading rapidly.

We called the doctor first thing this morning (Friday, NZ time) and made an urgent appointment. The doctor told her to come in right away and immediately noticed the problem getting worse. She called the hospital and spoke to the general surgeon to prepare for Dani to return for further treatment. She was placed in isolation and the surgeons got to see her right away to take swabs for testing. The surgeon on duty then met with the previous surgeons who dealt with Dani last week. She was scheduled to have surgery as soon as possible to remove whatever amount of infection they could from her other leg so that the antibiotic in the IV could work better. The doctors will clean out as much infection as they can and remove as much damaged skin tissue as necessary. She is NOT doing well!

We were told she the MRSA strain she has in her system is from the States. At this point the New Zealand antibiotics she has been taking have been resistant to the bacterial infection. Because she has been tested positive for MRSA, she will remain in the hospital for at least five (5) days. They are referring her to the Department of Disease Control for further testing to find what treatment they give her and to defend against the infection saturating her body.

Please pray for:

1) The doctors to find the problems and the medications necessary to fight the infection;

2) The doctors NOT have to cut more holes in her legs or anywhere else in her body;

3) The open sores to heal and close up on their own;

4) Dani’s body to get stronger with probiotics and other immunization boosters;

5) Dani to come home, recover, and spend time with her family;

6) Dani to be well enough in three weeks time to return to the States;

7) Polly and I to stay healthy as we run back and forth to the hospital (We also are taking care of our two grandchildren while Christi & Jono go to Australia for a time of spiritual refreshing and encouragement at the annual Bible conference –they need the time away.)

8) Most of all, God’s will be done and we learn what He would have us to learn from this time of trial.

We can only say “Thank you!” to all who have written notes of encouragement and comfort letting us know you are praying. We certainly need it and appreciate you taking our burdens before the throne of grace. May the Lord be honored, praised, and glorified through all of this.

Your servants for souls in New Zealand,

Bob & Polly McLain


We will keep this family in our prayers!!!

It was so nice to spend time with you a couple weeks ago. We will have to plan another day to get together.

And no, I don't live in the same town as Heather. I live in the same town as you, just on the north side. :)

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