Feed Me Books Friday: Lift the Flap Books

Welcome to Feed Me Books Friday!

My youngest (Megan, 18 months) is not a book person. In the last month or so, however, she is turning into one and I couldn't be more thrilled. Lift-the-flap books are some of her favorites. I felt it was appropriate to open Feed Me Books Friday with an image of her and her homemade "library" - She piled all of our library books into the laundry basket and commenced to "read."

With a three year old and one year old, lift-the-flap books are still a big hit in our house. One of my favorite authors is Karen Katz, and almost all of her books are lift-the-flap. Where Is Baby's Belly Button? is one that we enjoy.
Each page has a large flap and a question like, "Where is baby's hand?" When you lift the flap it says, "Under her mitten."

The illustrations are so darling, and Megan loves these books. I got a nice set of them for her for Christmas on her first Christmas. My only complaint is if you have a rough baby, like I do, they will rip off the flaps. Megan has destroyed several of these, but she is unusually rough on things.

My second was a favorite of Natalie and is also a favorite Megan now. In fact, my husband recently said, "I am going to hide this one because I am so tired of it!"

The book is Wake Up, Little Tiger

It takes you through Little Tiger's morning with routines that all little ones can relate to, like brushing teeth, cleaning up, and eating breakfast.

Finally, I just picked up Double Delight Nursery Rhymes from Barnes and Noble for 75% off and Natalie (3) loves it.
I'm not sure why, as she's not really that into nursery rhymes anymore, but she does. Each page has half of the nursery rhyme on the top half, then you fold down the flap and the rest of the story is written with the image showing what happened. Quite cute and the flaps are big and fun.
So are you going to join Feed Me Books Friday? Just click on the link and join in the fun!

The Adventure of Motherhood

Disclaimer: If you buy a book through Amazon on one of these links, I will earn a few pennies. You can probably find it cheaper elsewhere, but I haven't had much luck buying lift-the-flap books used.


Ginny Marie said…
Wake up Little Tiger looks adorable!

I'm so glad your Megan is turning into a book person! I'm sure it's because she has a great reading role model - YOU!

I review a couple of flap books that are pretty sturdy, because my babies were rough, too! My oldest chewed the flap off of one of our favorite shapes book! (She was only six months old...I couldn't get angry with her!) I hope you have time to stop by!
Judy said…
The nursery rhymes book looks really cute! My K would probably love it. I'll have to look into it!
Visiting from Feed Me Books Friday. Love the pictures of Megan reading in the laundry basket. We have never seen the second book before, but we also love Karen Kaz books - flap and non-flap ones.
Janna said…
You are 3 for 3 with me! I need to check all of these out!

Thanks for asking about my button. I was clueless as to how to fix it!

Thanks so much for playing and for all your support dear friend.
The basket looks like a great reading spot. We have several Katz books we love. I've had to tape some of them back together from overuse.
annies home said…
my grandbaby loves lift the flap books and these look like the perfect reads for lil ones

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