Happy Birthday Miss M!
Three years ago, God blessed us with this 10 lb. 4 oz bundle of energy.
Miss M, two years old
Miss M, three years old.
There are no words to describe this child's personality. She definitely knows what she wants and will do what it takes to get it, even if it gets her into lots of trouble.
Here are some accomplishments Miss M has made this year:
Truly learning how to talk and communicate verbally
Learning to sing many songs, including Jesus Loves Me and ABCs
Learning how to climb the ladder on our slide climber
Learning her first Bible verse
Attending her first Bible School
Moving into a real Sunday School class
Really learning to play with her sister
Graduating into a "big girl" bed
Potty training (woo hoo!)
I am sure there are more, but these are the ones that come to mind.
While this child brings many challenges that are quite different than her sister, in the last year she has really blossomed and become a joy to me. She makes me laugh almost daily with her silly antics and the things she says, and I am learning that she does think a lot about things. It is a challenge to keep her occupied and out of mischief, but a challenge I embrace. I love you, spunky girl!