What I Want to Be

What I Want to Be

As a mom, I want to be:

· Cheerful and loving
· Engaging and creative
· Someone they can turn to when they have a problem
· A trusted confidant
· Someone who is fun and fills my home with laughter
· Someone who has a chaos-free, tidy home so I fee less stressed
· Someone who disciplines well but out of love and out of a desire to see them grow into young women who love the Lord and respect others.

But I am:

· Sometimes moody and quick to chasten
· Stuck in a rut
· Someone who at times gets tired of the constant babbling and chatter
· Someone who wants bedtime to be over so I can start working
· Someone who is so serious minded that sometimes laughter eludes me
· Someone who is constantly stressed about the mess – I really need someone to teach me how to keep my home so that it is not so overwhelming.
· Someone who disciplines in frustration far too often.

I have been reading a lot of blogs lately, blogs from moms who do things a bit differently than me. Here is what I want to change:

· I want to stop, slow down, and take time daily to enjoy my children
· I want to get my children involved in day-to-day tasks, rather than sending them to do independent things so I can get my home in order.
· I want to stop and listen, rather than immediately sending the crying/whining child to her room to cool off. Sometimes I do believe this is necessary, but sometimes I need to stop and listen.
· I want to spend time in God’s word in the mornings. Nighttime is just not working for me. It is harder in the mornings, because there are interruptions, but I want to try to make this a habit.

School starts in less than a week. I hope that having three dedicated mornings to work will help me free up time in the afternoons and evenings to just be with my kids. But I must get a handle on this house before that will ever happen. All I can see when I sit down to play is the dirt, clutter, and cleaning that needs to be done.


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