17 weeks

Ok it's Wednesday, and that means time for that weekly update post!

So, blood pressure update. It's been all over the map, but I'm still not sure I am reading or taking it accurately. Friday I go back in for a bp check, so I plan to take the two machines/cuffs I have with me and compare readings. Yesterday I got 140/100 for my evening measurement, then this morning (laying in bed) it was 120/70.

I am very nervous about ending up on bed rest. Sheesh, I have two small kids, a husband who cooks only using the grill (and it's winter), and a thousand responsibilities. How will we eat? How will my kids get bathed, fed healthy food, dressed, lunches packed, out the door on time? How will the laundry get done??? I know others have ended up on bed rest with little kids, but I am praying it does not happen to me. But a b/p reading of 140/100 seems very high. Hopefully I am just not taking it right. Tim is convinced it is stress and worry making my bp high. . .

How far along? 17 weeks

Maternity clothes? Yep.

Sleep: Decent

Best moment this week: Miss N asking almost every day, "Are those your pregnant clothes?" Cracks me up.

Movement: I think so

Gender: Unknown. I thought it looked girl-y on the ultrasound we had last week, but the tech said she could not call it because the umbilical cord was running between the legs.

Labor Signs: No way!

What I miss: Not thinking about my bp every second of every day, not taking it three times per day.

What I am looking forward to: Hopefully scheduling my ultrasound sometime soon. I want to know the gender! I am tempted to go to Naperville because there is a place there that does the scan for $59. But, $59 is probably best spent elsewhere. I just need to be patient.

Weekly Wisdom: But my God shall supply all your needs. . .

Milestones: Not pregnancy related, but I allowed my girls to skip their naps two days this week (since we had nowhere to go after dinner) and they played so nicely together I was able to get my work done even with them awake! This is a huge thing around here! Gives me hope for the days when they are no longer napping, which are coming very soon.


C Habegger said…
your "milestone" comments reminded me that miracles/the unexpected do happen. Happy for you! Will pray more for your pregnancy. Don't forget that if God has bedrest planned for you, worry about it won't avoid it. You already know you have fabulous friends who will help in a heartbeat! That being said I will pray that bp stays good and it's not necessary to utilize them :)!!!!!!! I'm slowly making my way through a book by Jerry Bridges, "Trusting God". Excellent book, but I wish trusting weren't so hard. I like your weekly update :)

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