Happy Birthday Megan McKenzie

She's finally here! Megan McKenzie Harms was born at 7:51 am. She was 21 1/4 inches long and 10lbs 4 oz (exactly double of Natalie). Lots and lots of hair too! Natalie seems to like her, and when the nurse took her away for the pediatrician checkup, Natalie got very upset!

Mommy and Daddy pre-surgery

She came out screaming!

Hi Mom!

Family picture!

Big baby!

Big sister dress.
Opening presents

With Tim's parents

With my mom


Unknown said…
I only look mad I swear I wasn't-MOM
Anonymous said…
Wow, my little brother and his wife are now blessed with TWO beautiful and healthy little girls. We love the pictures; Danelle has viewed them several times now. She wondered if Uncle Tim was really a doctor. I'm glad looks aren't all it takes (we still love you Tim). Wish we could be there.
Congratulations!--Cheryl & Danelle
bella1021 said…
Welcome Megan!!!
Wow she is a big baby! :) She is beautiful!!! Congrats!!

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