Jesus Loves Me

Here is the video!

I also took a few pics of her completed room:


nanahoelscher said…
Anna and Ayla LOVED the video of Natalie! They want to go to your house and play with her. I tried toexplain the distance thing, but, let's face it, 4 yr olds don't get it yet.

Her room is beautiful!

Prayers and love to all,

Anonymous said…
Thoughts from cousin Danelle--"part of it was funny. Natalie is silly. When she said "Jesus", it was funny. Sitting in the babies car seat is funny"
We laughed and watched it several times! Too Cute!!!! To clarify Danelle's comment--we laughed when she only repeated Nicole's "Jesus" and didn't continue the song.
I'm afraid checking your blog pictures might be a regular part of Danelle's life. She loves it!!

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