Pictures from Today's Appointment

If you want the appointment details, they are below in the previous post. Otherwise, here are the pics I promised. She's quite chubby!


Aww...she's so cute and chubby and squishable! :) Do you think she looks anything like Natalie when she was first born? I'll be praying everything goes well with your surgery and that this week goes by quickly! Who knows, maybe she'll turn, and/or you will just go into labor, but if not, at least you know you get to see her in no more than a week!
MommaHarms said…
I don't really have a way to compare her to Natalie since Natalie was so early and had no fat on her. I may be able to compare when she's out better, but the cheeks throw me off! :)
Jason & Edy said…
She is very cute! It is amazing how detailed the images are. Logan was C-section and it wasn't bad at all. If I had to do it all over again I would do that again. We will pray that everything goes well.

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