New Update

So here is the new story. As of this morning's ultrasound, she is head down. Honestly, I almost cried because I am finally to the point of being OK with the c-section, and was actually excited to have a "date" and then she flipped. Anyways, I managed to keep myself under control, and the doctor's first words were "So your baby is head down, but I am very concerned about her getting stuck." She explained that the baby's tummy is very round (she's chubby) and that compared to her head there is a good chance she could get partly out and get stuck. That can cause serious problems, including brain damage and shoulder distention (or whatever it's called). So, she felt the best course of action would be to stay with the c-section. I agree. So the date is still Thursday. If I go into labor before that and things look good, they will let me deliver naturally, but otherwise we will keep the baby safe by doing it via c-section. Also, I have elevated fluids and that can complicate delivery with a big baby, so I am good with this decision. My parents are coming tomorrow night, and I am looking forward to having some help as we get the last few things done. Pretty soon I will be posting pictures of our new little girl!


Sounds like you've got a little stinker in there :) She's just tryin' to keep you guessing... Less than a week now!! I can't wait to see pics of her!
Anonymous said…
yeah!! So the last day of July!! I can't wait, I am praying that all will go well!!

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