Being a Mommy Is Hard

Being a mommy is hard because you need to know what is best yet don't always know.

Natalie struggles with tummy issues, and they are really painful for her at times. I want to fix it, but I don't want her on a bunch of drugs or to put her through a bunch of testing for them to slap a label on it and not give me an answer.

The chiropractic adjustment helps, but never solves, so I have decided something further needs to be done.

Some have suggested probiotics, and I am going to put both girls on them. Natalie for her tummy issues and Megan for her multiple times on antibiotics. But the "best" ones are expensive and you wonder if the cheaper ones work.

I would love to take her to a holistic doctor, but am not opposed to taking her to her regular doctor. I just don't want to traumatize her with testing and specialists if it's something like a need for probiotics or a simple dietary adjustment.

The chiropractor suggested making her diet more "natural" so we have upped the fruits, veggies, and whole grains, eliminated most processed foods, and it helped for a while, but she's sick again.

Some have suggested dairy, others have suggested gluten. To be honest I don't want to start removing things from her diet just "to see" without professional advice. She's picky enough as it is, I would fear she wasn't getting enough calcium or other nutrients. It's time for a professional assessment, but who to go to? These questions are hard to answer. Being a mommy is hard sometimes.


Anonymous said…
Just ran across your blog. In my opinion, while I understand the desire to not immediately turn to tests and medication, if changing her diet and other methods haven't had an affect, then I would say that having her healthy and happy is far more important than worrying if she might be "traumatized" by a few simple tests the doctor might need to perform. Good doctors are trained to find the problem and will be very gentle with a small child. Also, you say you don't want them to "slap a label" on her issues and not deal with the problem, but that is in essence what you are doing, and you are not a trained professional. By trying all these different things without a professional opinion, you could be endangering her by not just going to the doctor and getting to the root of the problem.
MommaHarms said…
HI anon - thanks for your advice. Would you mind telling me who you are?
Anonymous said…
Just a random blog browser. Name's Christine.
Anonymous said…
Another random blog browser, Kate...
Probiotics are expensive. Try yogurt. Plain organic yogurt with at least 6 different cultures. You'll be amazed how much of a difference it makes. If they don't like the tartness of plain yogurt, try adding a little honey and good vanilla.

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