Megan Turns One (A Little Late on the Posting)
Newborn (yes she was BIG!)
I realized I have not posted much about my Megan in a while. She turned 1 on July 31 and started walking about two weeks after that. My 10 pound 4 ounce baby has not slowed down in growth at all! At her last appointment she was over 27 pounds and measured 31 inches, I think (sadly, I forgot the actual measurements) She enjoyed her first birthday party and actually seemed to understand about the presents. Now, she is walking and almost running everywhere! Unless she is tired, hungry, or sick she is a fairly happy baby. She's not talking much yet, but she definitely says Momma, and grrr (which refers usually to the dog but sometimes other animals). She can say Dadda but doesn't do it consistently. She's also trying really hard to learn to use a fork. That will be a blessing when she figures it out because I think she will be much less messy at meal time!
Megan tries to do EVERYTHING her big sister does. Today I was finishing up a blog post for a client and I looked over and saw her climbing on the CPU of the computer my dad built for Natalie. She is such a little monkey. Loves to climb on everything she can!
One Year Old
I really love having her mobile. I am one of these moms who loves every new accomplishment, doesn't morn the passage of time. I love seeing them learn new things so much! Perhaps when I know I am watching my last baby I will be more nostalgic, but for now, I am just enjoying them so much!
Watching Megan mimic her family is so fun. The other day I was wiping her nose (she has a cold) and she was blowing raspberries. She was totally trying to "blow" her nose making the same sound as her daddy does! She's so sweet.
Love you guys and miss you terrible