Sick Day

Since Miss N has pneumonia (again, but that's another post altogether) today was a stay home day to help her rest and recuperate. Here is how we spent our sick day. Not too bad, if I do say so myself.
Pretending to be a "ball" in the ball bucket (ignore the poor photography, first day with the new camera) playing with the coolest-ever bath toy that makes huge bubble globs


Playing playdough

Mommy played too. Quack

Making a craft (note to self, when the box says ages six and up, believe it)

And dressing up. This picture cracks me up. She's like a mermaid, cowgirl, punk rocker.

How do you spend your sick days?


Unknown said…
I love the picture of them both 'dressed' up. it made me laugh. What a fun day you all had- I love you

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