9 Weeks

Wednesday is my "flipping" day, or the day I change "weeks" in the pregnancy. Not much has changed but here is my "for me" update.

How far along? 9 weeks

Maternity clothes? Got out the maternity jeans this week. They are adjustable waist so they are working pretty well. Not tops yet. No "basketball" to fill them. I'm definitely in the "is she gaining weight?" stage of pregnancy!

Sleep: Good as long as I don't let my afternoon nap go too long.

Best moment this week: Miss M getting very excited when the doctor called with my preliminary blood work and it was "healthy."

Movement: Too early

Gender: Unknown

Labor Signs: No way!

What I miss : Picking up my kids! Only one more week of restricted lifting if all continues going well.

What I am looking forward to: The second trimester!

Weekly Wisdom:
Being pregnant does not give you a right to be rude to your husband.

Milestones: None I can think of.


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