23 weeks

How far along? 23 weeks

Maternity clothes? Yep.

Sleep: Slept on the couch for the first time ever. The dog was sooooo loud and I couldn't make her be quiet without waking Tim, who had already gotten up to let her out once, so I just went to the couch.

Best moment this week: My sweet big girl wrapping her arms around me when I was sobbing on the couch about a cut up check.

Movement: She's an active little thing, but is nice to her momma at night so far. Miss M would kick me all night long! I don't remember about Miss N.

Gender: She's a girl!

Labor Signs: No way!

What I miss: Walking without hip pain. Not having swollen feet.

What I am looking forward to: Reaching viability. I think I will feel so much better!

Weekly Wisdom: If your child cuts up a huge check, the bank can reissue one, and maybe even without fees. If you receive a huge check from a client, the piano is not the place to set it. Even though your child never touches the mail and knows she is not to touch the mail, she will find it. The top of the refrigerator sounds like a safe place.

Milestones: Getting mostly over the anxiety issue (I hope!)

Complications Update: I guess I will add this category since I know there are a few of you who care. My doctor had to change my bp medication this week. It has times throughout the day where it spikes too high. Now I feel like I am on soooo much medication. She is not thrilled that I am swelling this early, so next week we do another test to make sure I am not dumping any proteins. I am also supposed to get another ultrasound at the high risk place to check growth and placenta health, I am assuming. Over all, I feel pretty good, but I am starting to feel more and more strongly that we will not make it all the way to May. Because of this, I am trying to figure out the best way to broach this subject with my brand new clients. Not an easy thing!


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