Megan's Stats

Megan had her 1 month appointment today (she's actually 5 1/2 weeks old, but we got behind). I don't have much time because I am swamped with work, but here are her whopping stats:

Height: 24 inches
Weight: 14 lbs 9 oz!!!!

Both are off the charts. She was in the 95% at birth, so she is growing very quickly. He didn't seem concerned. She looks like a 3 month old baby to me, though, except she doesnt' totally hold up her head yet.

Natalie has come down with a head cold. She woke up last night saying her tongue hurt and pointing to the back of her throat. I hate that there is no medicine you can give to kids under 6! I just want to help her feel better! Please pray Megan does not catch it. Also, pray that I can get my deadline on Friday - Going "back to work" hasn't been quite as smooth as I would have liked!


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