Happy Birthday, Miss N!

Five years ago today, I became a mother. This tiny bundle has led me on the most amazing journey. I won’t say my “greatest” adventure, as marriage to my husband has been quite a ride, but she has changed me, grown me, and molded me into the woman God wants me to be.
Natalie: One Year Old

Five seems so old! She is officially no longer a baby in any way shape or form. I'm not super sentimental, and I loved four-year-old life. I'm not sure if I am ready for the next stage quite yet though.

Natalie: Two Years Old

Natalie: Three Years Old

Natalie: Four Years Old!

Natalie: Five years old!

Here are some accomplishments over the last year:

First sleepover at a friend's house.
Learning to read! (just short vowel three-letter words, but read them she does!)
Going to camp for the first time.
Asking Christ to be her Savior.
Starting preschool.
Getting over a fear of the water.
Getting glasses.

I'm sure there are more, but I am beyond tired, so this list will have to suffice for tonight.

Project 52: Glimpse Into Motherhood


Kimberlee said…
My oldest will be five this month too. Five seems so big and grown-up. I can't believe how fast time goes and how fast they grow and change. Happy Birthday to you five year old.
mommy to many said…
welcome to the family of God little one!! and happy birthday!

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