Too Much Time at School

I think I have been spending too much time at Miss N's school. Between the Valentine's party and some volunteering I have done, I have gotten bit by the bug. I miss teaching! It's official!

Oh, but I don't miss getting up and dragging everyone out the door by 7:30, bringing home piles and piles of papers, trying to figure out what to cook for dinner after spending all day with little people, dealing with parents (now I am the parent, 'gulp'), and all of the other non-teaching aspects of teaching.

But, by golly, I miss the classroom! I miss seeing faces light up with understanding (Ok, those times were few and far between with middle schoolers), and the hugs and jokes and friendship with coworkers.

Kids are funny. I enjoy being around them. I enjoy the process of teaching.

I could go back, but we are going to have more babies. If I stop writing and drop my clients, it will not be so easy to start back up again.

Is God trying to tell me something? Are my days as a writer limited? Is he going to pull me back to school?

I really love the dynamic at Miss N's school. The teachers get along so nicely and the administrator seems like an all-over nice guy.

Hopefully this is a limited bug. I do enjoy writing. I just miss the classroom.


I honestly don't miss the teaching side of teaching. I miss getting to make my lesson plans and come up with test etc. I enjoy the prep most of all.

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